Hanseo University Infomation
List of departure and destination locations
Asan Onyang to Hanseo University
Daejeon West to Hanseo University
Hanseo University to Asan Onyang
Hanseo University to Bonggang Bridge (west rest area)
Hanseo University to Daejeon Southwest
Hanseo University to Daejeon West
Hanseo University to Deoksan (South Chungcheong)
Hanseo University to Sejong City
Hanseo University to Seoul Southern
Hanseo University to Ssangyong-dong
Hanseo University to Suwon Terminal
Hanseo University to Yuseong Outside of the city
Sejong City to Hanseo University
Seoul Southern to Hanseo University
Ssangyong-dong to Hanseo University
Suwon Terminal to Hanseo University
Yuseong Outside of the city to Hanseo University
충청남도 서산시 해미면 대곡리 388-1