
Geumsan Infomation

List of departure and destination locations

Daejeon Complex to Geumsan

Daejeon Shinheung to Geumsan

Geumsan to Buri

Geumsan to Gadang-ri

Geumsan to Gadang-ri (Muju-gun)

Geumsan to Muju

Geumsan to Seoul Gyeongbu

Inhu-dong to Geumsan

Intercity bus stop to Geumsan

Jeonju to Geumsan

Jinan to Geumsan

Muju to Geumsan

Seoul Gyeongbu to Geumsan

Uhwa to Geumsan

Yuseong Outside of the city to Geumsan


경상남도 진주시 금산면 장사리 931-3