
Cheongju North Terminal Infomation

List of departure and destination locations

Ajou University to Cheongju North Terminal

Cheonan to Cheongju North Terminal

Cheongju Airport to Cheongju North Terminal

Cheongju North Terminal to Ajou University

Cheongju North Terminal to Cheonan

Cheongju North Terminal to Cheongju Airport

Cheongju North Terminal to Cheongju University Bus Stop

Cheongju North Terminal to Chungbuk Innovation City

Cheongju North Terminal to Chungju

Cheongju North Terminal to Daejeon Complex

Cheongju North Terminal to Dongseoul

Cheongju North Terminal to Gamgok

Cheongju North Terminal to Gangneung Intercity Bus Terminal

Cheongju North Terminal to Gohansa Buk Gongyeong

Cheongju North Terminal to Iljuk

Cheongju North Terminal to Incheon

Cheongju North Terminal to Janghowon

Cheongju North Terminal to Janghowon public

Cheongju North Terminal to Jecheon

Cheongju North Terminal to Jeonju

Cheongju North Terminal to Jeonju Intercity Bus Terminal

Cheongju North Terminal to Jeungpyeong

Cheongju North Terminal to Jincheon

Cheongju North Terminal to Jukjeon

Cheongju North Terminal to Korea Tech

Cheongju North Terminal to Seoul Southern

Cheongju North Terminal to Singal Yeongdeok

Cheongju North Terminal to Suwon Terminal

Cheongju North Terminal to Tae-baek

Cheongju North Terminal to Technical University

Cheongju North Terminal to Yeongtong Entrance

Cheongju North Terminal to Yuseong Outside of the city

Cheongju University Bus Stop to Cheongju North Terminal

Chungbuk Innovation City to Cheongju North Terminal

Chungju to Cheongju North Terminal

Daejeon Complex to Cheongju North Terminal

Deokjin-dong to Cheongju North Terminal

Dongseoul to Cheongju North Terminal

Gamgok to Cheongju North Terminal

Gangneung Intercity Bus Terminal to Cheongju North Terminal

Gohansa Buk Gongyeong to Cheongju North Terminal

Iljuk to Cheongju North Terminal

Incheon to Cheongju North Terminal

Janghowon public to Cheongju North Terminal

Jecheon to Cheongju North Terminal

Jeonju Intercity Bus Terminal to Cheongju North Terminal

Jeonju to Cheongju North Terminal

Jeungpyeong to Cheongju North Terminal

Jincheon to Cheongju North Terminal

Korea Tech to Cheongju North Terminal

Seoul Southern to Cheongju North Terminal

Singal Yeongdeok to Cheongju North Terminal

Suwon Terminal to Cheongju North Terminal

Tae-baek to Cheongju North Terminal

Yeongtong Entrance to Cheongju North Terminal

Yuseong Outside of the city to Cheongju North Terminal


충청북도 청주시 청원구 오창읍 양청리 821-7