Cheongju Express Bus Terminal Infomation
List of departure and destination locations
Busan to Cheongju Express Bus Terminal
Cheongju Express Bus Terminal to Busan
Cheongju Express Bus Terminal to Dongdaegu
Cheongju Express Bus Terminal to Dongseoul
Cheongju Express Bus Terminal to Gwangju (U Square)
Cheongju Express Bus Terminal to Nakdong River (Holiday) Downbound
Cheongju Express Bus Terminal to Seo Daegu
Cheongju Express Bus Terminal to Seobusan (Sasang)
Cheongju Express Bus Terminal to Seonsan (rest) downhill
Cheongju Express Bus Terminal to Seoul Gyeongbu
Dongdaegu to Cheongju Express Bus Terminal
Dongseoul to Cheongju Express Bus Terminal
Gwangju (U Square) to Cheongju Express Bus Terminal
Gwangju Via to Cheongju Express Bus Terminal
Nakdong River (Holiday) Upbound to Cheongju Express Bus Terminal
Seo Daegu to Cheongju Express Bus Terminal
Seobusan (Sasang) to Cheongju Express Bus Terminal
Seonsan (rest) uphill to Cheongju Express Bus Terminal
Seoul Gyeongbu to Cheongju Express Bus Terminal
충북 청주시 흥덕구 강서동 460