
Geochang to Daegu West

Last Updated Sep 19, 2024


Click on the table to see the route.


06:40거창Express - Standard6,000
07:20거창Express 1:12 Duration6,000
08:00거창Express - Standard6,000
08:30거창Express - Standard6,000
08:50거창Express 1:12 Duration-
09:00거창Express - Standard6,000
09:30거창Express - Standard6,000
09:50거창Express - Standard6,000
10:04거창Express - Standard6,000
10:14동광Express - Standard6,000
10:24전북Express - Standard6,000
10:40거창Express 1:12 Duration-
11:10거창Express - Standard6,000
12:00거창Express - Standard6,000
12:40거창Express - Standard6,000
13:00거창Express 1:12 Duration-
13:20거창Express - Standard6,000
14:00거창Express - Standard6,000
14:15거창Express - Standard6,000
14:25동광Express - Standard6,000
15:00거창Express 1:12 Duration6,000
15:40거창Express - Standard6,000
16:30거창Express - Standard6,000
17:10거창Express - Standard6,000
17:50거창Express - Standard6,000
18:40거창Express - Standard6,000
19:20거창Express - Standard6,000
20:00거창Express - Standard6,000
20:03전북Express - Standard6,000
21:00거창Express - Standard6,000

All destinations of Geochang