
Eumam to Unsan

Last Updated Sep 19, 2024


Click on the table to see the route.


#No reservation
06:37충남Express - Deluxe1,500
07:12í•śě–‘Express(Deluxe)05 Duration
07:15í•śě–‘Express(Deluxe)05 Duration1,500
07:17충남Express 10 Duration1,700
07:30공통 - Standard
07:37충남Express 10 Duration1,700
08:17충남Express 05 Duration1,700
08:37충남Express - Deluxe1,500
08:45충남Express(Deluxe)05 Duration-
09:30공통 - Standard
09:37충남Express(Deluxe)05 Duration
09:45공통 - Standard
09:52충남Express(Deluxe)10 Duration1,700
10:15공통 - Standard
10:17충남Express - Deluxe1,500
10:37í•śě–‘Express(Deluxe)05 Duration1,500
10:47í•śě–‘Express(Deluxe)05 Duration
11:12í•śě–‘Express(Deluxe)10 Duration1,700
11:15공통 - Standard
11:30공통 - Standard
12:07충남Express 05 Duration1,700
12:25충남Express 09 Duration-
12:45공통 - Standard
12:52충남Express 10 Duration1,700
12:55공통 - Standard
13:15충남Express(Deluxe)05 Duration1,500
13:27충남Express(Deluxe)05 Duration
13:30공통 - Standard
13:32충남Express - Deluxe
13:37í•śě–‘Express - Deluxe1,500
13:52충남Express 10 Duration1,700
14:15공통 - Standard
14:47í•śě–‘Express(Deluxe)05 Duration
15:17í•śě–‘Express - Deluxe1,500
15:30공통 - Standard
15:37충남Express(Deluxe)05 Duration1,500
16:07충남Express 05 Duration1,700
16:32충남Express(Deluxe)10 Duration1,700
16:47충남Express 05 Duration1,700
16:57충남Express - Deluxe1,500
17:17충남Express(Deluxe)05 Duration
17:47í•śě–‘Express(Deluxe)05 Duration1,500
18:27í•śě–‘Express(Deluxe)05 Duration
18:37충남Express - Deluxe1,500
19:00공통 - Standard
19:12í•śě–‘Express(Deluxe)05 Duration-
19:17í•śě–‘Express(Deluxe)05 Duration1,500
19:30공통 - Standard
19:52충남Express 10 Duration1,700
20:15공통 - Standard
20:17충남Express - Standard1,500
20:32충남Express 10 Duration1,700

All destinations of Eumam