
Central City (Seoul) to Yeosu

Last Updated Sep 20, 2024


06:20천일Express - Deluxe 4:15Duration36,400
07:10금호익스프레스 - Premium 4:15Duration47,300
09:10금호익스프레스 - Deluxe 4:15Duration36,400
10:00천일Express - Premium 4:15Duration47,300
11:00천일Express - Express 4:15Duration24,500
11:50금호익스프레스 - Deluxe 4:15Duration36,400
12:50금호익스프레스 - Premium 4:15Duration47,300
13:40천일Express - Deluxe 4:15Duration36,400
14:20천일Express - Premium 4:15Duration47,300
15:10금호익스프레스 - Deluxe 4:15Duration36,400
16:20천일Express - Deluxe 4:15Duration36,400
17:05천일Express - Deluxe 4:15Duration36,400
18:20금호익스프레스 - Premium 4:15Duration47,300
19:00금호익스프레스 - Deluxe 4:15Duration36,400
20:00천일Express - Premium 4:15Duration47,300
21:00천일Express - Deluxe 4:15Duration36,400
23:00금호익스프레스 - NightPremium 4:15Duration52,000

All destinations of Central City (Seoul)